Direct Primary Care

Luxury Medical Services at Affordable Prices

Why Mahoning Valley Wellness?

  • Affordable.

    Mahoning Valley Wellness has no participation in medical insurance. You pay the doctor directly thru a monthly membership fee. All the regulatory-associated burdens of insurance, copays, reams of paperwork and prior authorizations, and confusing medical bills, all disappear.

  • Flexible.

    24/7 access to your doctor with house calls and telemedicine available at the doctor’s discretion and patient’s schedule.

    No waiting room filled with sick patients and long waits its medicine on your schedule and without a wait one-on-one care.

  • Custom.

    Direct primary care is medicine on your time without the middle man the insurance company dictating care. You pay for good quality medicine that is decided between you and your doctor and liberates you from insurance requirements and restraints.

    Visits are as long as they need to be because the visits are about you and not the requirements of insurance companies.